
简介:随着一系列残忍的谋杀案席卷全城,两名便衣侦探(布伦特·哈维和米娅·李)竞相解开谜团,揭开凶手的面纱。他们唯一的线索是:每个受害者都是前警察,身上都画着一个血红色的字母。在凶手用鲜血说出他们的信息之前,有多少人会死去?yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>As a string of brutal murders plague the city, two undercover detectives race to solve the mystery and unmask the killer. Their only clues: each victim is a former cop and each has a blood-red letter painted on their body. How many will have to die before the killer spells out their message in blood?


  • 更新第06集
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  • HD人工中字
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